PATCHWORK BARN Silhouettes include 81 laser cut fabric shapes with fusible net backing, created for the PATCHWORK BARN PATTERN by Laundry Basket Quilts. 1 pack of the silhouettes is required to make branches with leaves and flowers for the Center Barn block. two more are required to complete the left and right borders of the quilt. See the pattern on the provided photo.
The instructions of how to use the silhouettes are written on the back of the paper label.
The silhouettes were created to relieve the quilters from fine cutting of the delicate applique flower branches with leaves. You still have to do all the patchwork for the quilt.
It's easy to use silhouettes. You have to position the pieces referring to the picture for guidance, and press with iron, fusing the pieces in place onto the background fabric. Raw edge top stitching method is recommended, if you stitch around the fused pieces with decorative threads.
You can create your own quilt with this applique as a centerpiece, or make it in to a small wall piece.