Product Details
Supplied in a re-sealable 10 litre bag.
Uses of hydroleca clay granules include:
As a decorative topping - sprinkle a layer of Hydroleca onto the compost surface of pots, containers, window boxes and tube. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.
For your houseplants - place the plant pot on a layer of Hydroleca which will absorb water and release it slowly to prevent root damage caused by the pot standing in water. The humid micro-climate created around the plant is especially beneficial in centrally heated homes.
For crocking and potting up - for crocking put a handful of Hydroleca in the bottom of pots and containers as crocks before filling with compost. This will provide good water retention and aeration, improving plant root growth and overall plant health. For lightweight pots and containers add Hydroleca to potting compost in a ratio of one part Hydroleca to three parts compost to grow a wide range of plants, including small trees and shrubs.
Use on greenhouse benches - fill a tray with a 2cm layer of Hydroleca and place plant pots on top. Keep the Hydroleca moist so that it gradually releases moisture to the plants placed on its surface and improves greenhouse humidity.
For balconies and roof gardens - add Hydroleca to potting compost in a ratio of one part Hydroleca to three parts compost for lighter weight containers to grow a wide range of plants, including small trees and shrubs. Hydroleca can also be used as the drainage layer in a green roof planting of drought-tolerant plants such as sedums.